
April 20, 2017
There are two conditions that can create tenacious roadblocks to company growth: failure to delegate at various levels of the organization from the top down and job duties that pull employees away from their highest and best uses (HBUs.) An HBU is the main duty that each person performs creating the most value to the organization. In many cases,...
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Leading any endeavor is much more complex than we expect. Part of the personal growth of a successful company leader is learning to create an organization that can sustain its culture and manage its growth. This ongoing process has three requirements: establishing an ownership culture, documenting jobs thoroughly, with clear responsibilities and authority, and hiring...
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There are two tough parts of leading an organization that no one tells you about. First: Leading means always being on the alert, never resting on your laurels and being willing to make the changes necessary to keep the organization on track. Second, you have to create a culture and environment in which your people...
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